Sunday, February 8, 2009

Winter holidays

Every semester my department normally held an event called MT (Membership training), that's where all the lab member gather and go to a certain place for a holiday. I'm not sure why the called it MT, but there is no training at all, it's just simply a vacation. We have MT twice a year, summer holiday and winter holiday. For this winter holiday, as of last year, we went to a ski resort (Muju Resort). It takes about two hours from Daegu by bus. Last year I joined this winter MT also and I played snowboard, but this year I planed to go around the resort and enjoy our time together as a family and of course take a lot of pictures. However it was not so cold this year, not as cold as last year. Therfore the snow was not as much as last year, but still we got to see the beautiful scenery of Muju Resort. (Complete photo album click here)

Complete photo album click here.

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