Monday, December 18, 2006

How we met

How did we meet?well to tell you the truth it is kind a funny when I think over it again. Basically we met from a popular website Friendster, I guess most of you knew it. I was browsing this web to see people's profiles and friends, and there I found her, Artha Margaretha Purba. I message her from Friendster, and I still have the record of my first few messages to her. And from that day on, we keep on communicate and until now we finally together. But I believe nothing is by coincidence. I believe all this have been planned by God. And if you think backwards, First of all God wants us to be together, Second of all God wants us to meet through Friendster, which also mean God has to find someone to create Friendster for us...hehehhe...Well I know He is unbelievable and remarkable, He created and planned everything in great detail I thank God for what He has done for me and Artha. As the theme of this blog, ".......for Love comes from GOD........" 1 John 4:7. I believe the Love that we have together is from Him and we want to spent this with Him.

Parlin wrote:
Happy Birthday to you...Happy Birthday to
you..Happy Birthday to Artha...Happy Birthday
to you..

Hi...happy birthday yah, May God bless you
always abundantly yah
and nice to know you...;)

Artha wrote:
Hi.. :)
makasih ya buat ucapannya, walaupun aku
belum kenal ma kamu :)) n nice to know u too ;)


Parlin wrote:
:D...iya yah belum kenalan..hehehehe...gimana
kemarin disurabaya?tadi pagi baru pulang dari surabaya
yah?lagi online?km ada yahoo messeger?

Artha wrote:
Aku masih disby pak,besok baru pulang kjkt,aku
gak dapet tiket berangakat hari ini..
ada sih ym aku,bentar ya aku ol ku:arthapurba..

(Parlin's Friendster - Artha's Friendster)


Agam said...

wow..judul blognya musti ganti tuh.."Love comes from friendster"..although friendster comes from god ;)

selamat bro..semoga happili ever after...

Parlin-Artha-Axel said...

hahahha...dasar...ya betul jg bro, Friendster kan comes from God..Thanks ya bro..btw knapa lu gk dtg...hehehehe..