Monday, August 25, 2008

Axel Giggles

My boy Axel has grown so much. Especially this last few weeks since he was able to lift roll around by him self, he became so active. He just can't stop to roll around. Now we have to be extra careful to watch him and we have to put pillows around his bed. There are a lot of new things that he learn also, he can now reject when he doesn't want to drink milk, and he can also giggles. We are not sure yet what makes him giggles, cause sometimes he's just giggling when his mom is talking to him. And it's really easy to make Axel smile, just called him and smile at him and he will smile back, especially when he is familiar with the face. One think that he doesn't like thought, he doesn't like to be laughed at, especially when there are a lot of people. The other day when we had a gathering, one of our friend laugh at Axel because of his standing hair, and everybody was laughing also, but then Axel started to cry...
Last Sunday we were in church, my wife and Axel was there also. Axel was really a nice boy and he knows when he's not at home. He's really being a good boy when he is out and we know that he likes to travel around....


J.H said...

that video is hilarous! At certain point probably I was guessing that Axel is so tired that he was giggling out of control. My son will jump like crzy monkey before he finally went to bed.

Parlin-Artha-Axel said...

hahaha...exactly, sometimes me and my wife tried to make him tired so that he can sleep, but not too we are trying to teach him to sleep on time by changing his clothes to pajamas and switching off the light...