Monday, July 21, 2008

Acel and mama are here!!!

My wife and my son was finally here on Saturday morning. I was so excited when I meet them. My wife, my boy and my sister in law, osin, was also here. This is the first time I see my boy-Acel, after 3 months away from him. And yes, he is growing so much, and he was really an awesome boy. He just can't stop to smile...and I can't get enough of him. During the flight my wife said he was so quite and didn't feel uncomfortable at all. Also during the ride home by bus, he was being so nice and quite. I'm really excited that they are here, and can't wait to spend more time with them together...


J.H said...

wow parlin, your waiting finally over!
Pasti seneng bangeth nih...little family reunion. Takecare, and do upload your little prince's picture more often.

Parlin-Artha-Axel said...

iya nih, seneng banget...dan sekarang anakku emang lagi lucu2nya, cuma dia agak2 sadar kamera, jadi kalo ada kamera langsung agak bingung gayanya..cuma kalo g ada kamera dia bisa senyum2 dan ketawa2..hahahha...