Yesterday was a very long day for me. We started the day as early as 5am in the morning because we need to take the 630am train to Seoul. And it was a cold morning yesterday, I think it was about 16 centigrade. We arrived in Seoul around 1030am and took a bus to Incheon Airport. At noon we arrived at the airport and directly went to check in. We were quite worried because last week our travel called and said that my wife's name in the ticket is different from the one in the passport, In the ticket is "Artha Margaretha" but in her passport is "Artha Margaretha Purba". But strangely in order to change it we need to add more money which is more than half of the price ticket. And we arrived at the checked in counter, we didn't face any problem at all..
Anyway Artha left Korea at 3pm yesterday and when I reached home i felt part of my life was taken away. I have been away from home since I was 16, but I never felt like this before. Really miss getting up in the morning, buy her favorite bread for breakfast and make the "eo..eo..eo" sound from my bicycle horn to let her know that I'm home. I miss you so very much my dear Margaretha...

kasian juga abangku ini...
biasa ada yang nemenin :p
your wife kemana bro? back to indonesia? mau melahirkan di Indo??
disini juga bang Kwarta (tn4) istrinya baru melahirkan, anaknya perempuan :)
sukses bro
hehehe..iya nih, balik ke indo, soalnya kasih disini ditinggal sendirian di rumah. jadi ya mending di indo biar ada yg nemenin..wahhh iya yah..salam sm bang kwarta and bilang selamat yah...:D
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