Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Just another weekend

As usual we spent our weekend mostly at home, since it' still very cold outside. However these last few weeks, the temperature is not as cold. At noon, it can reach about 7 or even 10, which is consider high since it is still February. Therefore last Saturday, we went to the University gate to have dinner and to take pictures...^^...also just yesterday night, we went to Emart to buy some snacks and food for our trip tomorrow. Oh ya, tomorrow we are going to Muju Resort, for winter MT (Membership training), which is a Korean's way of saying holiday trip together..hehehehe..can't wait for tomorrow's trip, but we need to prepare everything tonight, since we are leaving early in the morning at about 5am....


J.H said...

emang, dingin2 gini enaknya indoor terus. Kecuali kalo salju turun deh, baru keluar buat bikin snowman. Btw, your photo taking skill improved a lot :-) keep on snapping!

Parlin-Artha-Axel said... dsini jarang banget turun salju, paling setahun 3-4 kali aja..hihihi..
iya ya, tp kamernya perlu di upgrade nih..maybe one day I'll upgrade to DSLR...^^